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Meet ALFI: The first Avatar Led Fitness Instructor

ALFI is an Avatar Led Fitness Instructor that makes for the most inclusive, visually appealing, and movement-focused PT ever experienced in the virtual and on demand fitness space.

Launching in September 2020 and developed by the founders of London based, uber-contemporary fitness boutique, The Refinery E9. The Refine with ALFI and Refine with ALFI AR app have been created with motion capture, 3D and augmented-reality technology; which overlays digital content in the form of a fitness instructor onto the physical world — as if they’re actually there with you, in your own space.

Each ALFI avatar and class on the app is uniquely tailored to the user. This is a space where users can be creative with what they want their avatar to look like, what type of exercise class they do and even what music they want to listen to; with the app seamlessly integrating to each users Spotify.

This is the most progressive and futuristic form of fitness on the market, with workouts that are designed by humans but led by avatars, meaning it’s inclusive, non-threatening and accessible.

Initially only launching with yoga, each session comes with a bespoke posture clinic option. Users can browse the collection of yoga movements used in the class to learn the significance and benefits of each technique. Not only this, but the 360-degree output of the class means users can zoom in and view poses from different angles for the optimal technique masterclass.

Following the launch of Yoga, the app will then host HIIT sessions with high-energy from a selection of the ALFI avatars. Of the new launch, co-founder Zoe Bertali says; We discovered AR technology quite a few years ago and decided it would be a wonderful way to encourage an accessible, unpretentious and exciting fitness journey outside of our bricks and mortar studio in Hackney. Our ethos is about wellbeing, not just a physical aesthetic result. We still have human-connection at the heart of the app, all the workouts are created by our high-quality instructors. But through ALFI, were giving users something unique, a fitness app with a difference, to keep their workouts motivating and interesting, whether used at home or whilst travelling.

The app is FREE to download and use. Full access to the app content is delivered through a subscription model priced at £7.99 per month. Users can also opt for a Pay as You Go model at 99p per workout. Each class earns the user ALFI tokens, which will go towards either buying more classes or donating to The Refinery’s chosen charity; MIND.

In 2021, the ALFI app will also work alongside Google, Microsoft and Apple’s futuristic AR compatible glasses, so users simply have to put on a pair of the specialist optics in order to have their instructor right next to them.

Available via Iphone and Android; ALFI is here to take over the realm of virtual fitness. https://refinewithalfi.com/