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Health & Care

‘Sicknote Culture’: Why It’s up to Employers to Change the Status Quo 

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s recent speech on Britain’s sick note culture highlights how something’s ‘gone wrong’ since Covid, an expert has warned. An estimated 850,000 more people are currently economically inactive according to reports. But Nathan Shearman, director of therapy…

I worry Mr Sunak’s plans will leave many feeling more isolated and misunderstood than ever.

RISHI SUNAK is approaching the mental health crisis in “totally the wrong way” and his welfare reforms risk making things far worse, a leading expert has claimed. The Prime Minister last week announced a package of welfare reform measures to…

Plane Saver Credit Union launches Vivup benefits for 26,000+

In the first of its kind move, Plane Saver, one of the largest credit unions in the UK, has introduced a range of lifestyle, health and wellbeing benefits for its members and its employees. Now, in addition to savings accounts,…