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Five Easy Jobs to Do Over the Easter Bank Holiday Weekend

By Roger Runswick, Director at The 50plus

 Make the most of the long Easter weekend and get those jobs you’ve been putting off ticked off the list. It’s amazing what you can get done in a weekend but whatever task you choose, plan to allow yourself time to gather all the tools and materials you’ll need a few days ahead so you’re ready to get started as soon as Saturday rolls around.

Here are some ideas of tasks you can complete in a weekend:


Redecorate a room

Decorating is all about the preparation and if you have a good plan then a refresh, particularly one without a significant paint colour change, is easy to achieve. Prepare the room first by clearing the area – if you have a lot of furniture that you cannot remove then shift it into the centre of the room and cover it with a dust sheet. Protect any carpets with plastic sheets and use FrogTape to cover any light switches and sockets. Fill any cracks or small holes in the walls with a quick-drying filler. Lastly, remember to work from the top down, painting the ceiling first, then the walls and the woodwork last. Put everything back and admire your handy work.


Spruce up the bathroom and change the tap

You can replace a few taps over the long weekend if you are a qualified plumber but if you are new to the job just stick to the one and do it properly! Changing a tap is relatively straightforward. First, you will need to turn the water off – this can be done easily by turning the water off at the mains. However, this will stop the supply to the whole property until it is switched back on. If you have an isolation valve for the tap you are replacing, you can use a flathead screwdriver to turn the screw on the valve to a horizontal position to stop the flow. Now you are ready to disconnect the water supply pipes and remove your old tap. Then, install the new tap and reconnect the water pipes. Reopen the isolation valve or switch the mains back on. And voila, you have added an instant and functional upgrade to your bathroom.


Fit some new shelving

Give your décor an uplift and fit some new shelving. There are some great off-the-rack options for shelving so shop around for a style that suits your taste. Another straightforward option is a melamine board and shelf hangers. It is important to check the type of wall you have first – if it does not sound solid when you tap it then it is likely to be plasterboard and you will need fittings for it. These can be picked up at your local DIY store. Also, keep in mind that plasterboard is not ideal for carrying heavy weights. So, if you intend to put shelves up on this kind of wall then consider using battens to spread the load. Shelves can make a great feature wall in a living room – so go on and give your favourite books, photo frames and ornaments the attention they deserve with some new shelves.


Say goodbye to trailing cables

Trailing power cables not only look unsightly they are also a hazard, particularly for the elderly. The common issue is a lack of power outlets in a room or outlets in the wrong place. The fix, without needing an electrician, is to fit multiway power blocks to the wall and either clip the lead with cable clips, or, for a neater finish, lay trunking on the floor on the base or top of the skirting. It is a far neater solution to trailing cables and a lot safer.


Fix sticky door handles

Sticking door handles, often with double-glazed doors, is a common problem and a rather irritating one. Regular door locks and internal doors can also prove a problem. Prevention is always best. Take time this weekend to tighten or fix screws and apply some lubrication to the mechanism. This can forestall being unable to open or close the door and a potentially costly repair later down the line.

The Easter weekend is a time for getting together with loved ones, and of course, eating an Easter egg or two. It is also the opportune moment to get those annoying little tasks done around the house. So, make the most of the long weekend and enjoy all the benefits of your hard work.


About the author

Roger Runswick is the founder of The 50plus which creates employment opportunities for a mature workforce.