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Dawn Jackson

From social housing to superyachts and carpets for the King – interiors business celebrates 60 years of growth

FROM social housing to carpets for the King, Linney Cooper has been part of the furniture for 60 years. Celebrating six decades in the luxury carpets and flooring industry, the Llandudno and London-based firm – one of only seven companies…

College leader to represent North Wales as ambassador for global charity targeting mental health in hospitality

A LEADER from Coleg Cambria was selected to help champion mental health awareness and support in the hospitality industry. Work-based Learning Manager Kate Muddiman is the North Wales Ambassador for The Burnt Chef Project. The global organisation provides education, guidance,…

Top 5 school unveils ‘garden classroom’ for pupils with additional learning needs

CHILDREN with additional learning needs are thriving thanks to innovative methods and investment at a top secondary school. Ysgol Eirias in Colwyn Bay has redeveloped its curriculum and facilities for ALN pupils, including the construction of a new accessible outdoor…

Students with additional learning needs and/or disabilities enjoying sports success

STUDENTS with additional learning needs and/or disabilities are enjoying sports success at Coleg Cambria. ILS (Independent Living Skills) learners at the college’s Northop site have excelled in a series of competitions this year. The seven-aside football squad was battling for…

North Wales high school unveils battle plan to combat £1m in cuts at ‘critical time’ for pupils

RHYL HIGH SCHOOL has unveiled a bold strategy to combat a £1million shortfall in funding over the next three years. Headteacher Claire Armitstead, staff and governors have had to explore and identify ways to continue delivering a high-class, high-quality education…